1. Get fitter--less lounging, more doing. We love those stories of 80 year olds climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro. Unfortunately, right now, those 80 year olds will kick our butts. To be able to join them and be them years from now, we need to get fitter now.
2. Maximize ourselves--There are some people who have maximized what they have been given to the best of their ability. We are not them yet. This year, we are going to start thinking what we need to do to start maximizing ourselves and start doing what we need to do to become our best selves.
3. Do something to further our passions--There are things that we are good at, there are things that we love, but because we are so busy, we don't always make the time for them. If it doesn't have a deadline, if it doesn't have someone else needing it, we won't do it even if it is something that makes us happy. This year, we will carve out some time to spend on the things we love, for no other reason than the fact that we love to do it.
4. Give back more. Pay it forward. A single act of beauty or kindness or grace can make someone's day. Life is a journey, and at the end of the day, what really matters...who really matters....who do we want to be...
Image from here
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